Sunday, July 09, 2006


Yeloopppp all.. how’ve u been?? Kicking n alive?? Oh yeah!! Alhamdulillah.. mine was all great..
hmm.. read my entry’s title?? Dh baca Saturday’s paper?? Well, dis topic really intrigued me.. ok.. jom refresh memory jap.. hmm.. selama 27 tahun wujud di BUMI Allah, I’ve known there’re 9 planets overall in our solar system… planet berjirim batu: UTARID, ZUHRAH, BUMI, MARIKH.. planet jirim bergas: MUSYTARI, ZUHAL, URANUS, NEPTUNE… and last but not least, PLUTO, iced planet.. kan?? Betul kan?? All these planets bergerak mengelilingi matahari.. kira matahari nih jantung sistem solar lah.. n these planets move at their own axis.. ever wonder tak if these planets ever go haywire, or not.. I mean.. cam tetiba mabok todi.. keluar dr landasan yg mmg diwujudkan for each planet.. hee.. I bet if ever my RADIATION lecturer, Dr Muhammad, from MINT, read this.. kompom he bangga banget with me.. hee.. Doc, see.. though my muka mmg sleepy banget
during de lecture.. but masuk my head, u know… hee… ok.. semua benda nih, we have to go back to square 1.. confused?? Camnihlah.. pernah dgr de word ATOM?? Bukan ATOMIC KITTENS ekk.. heee.. semua benda kt dunia nih terdiri dr atom2.. jantung atom adalah nucleus.. nucleus
terdiri drpd protons n neutrons.. n around this nucleus, ada electrons.. proton, +ve, and electron, -ve.. in order for this atom to be balanced.. bilangan protons & electrons shud be equals.. why I know??? Hey.. x underestimate me, haa… pernah jadi cikgu sains ngajar bebudak PMR tau!!! Haa.. tusyen jer lah.. tp.. nak ajar anak org.. knowledge perlu ada jugak, beb!! And.. kalau sains tak kuat takdernyerlah hari ini gue jadi pencipta swamp thing.. haaa.. Iklan jap.. hee.. ok, my ramblings tadi.. like I said, those planets bergerak on its own axis, n mmg all these billions trillions years, those planets tak pernah go mabok todi.. why?? Becoz, ada force yg membalancekan them.. iaitu.. back to de electrons n protons.. understand?? Owwhhh.. kalau exam nih.. mmg pass with flying colors lah gue.. hee…

Sebenarnya kan.. wat I’m trying to share with u guys.. adalah the FINDING OF THE 10th PLANET!!! Believe it.. this 10th planet was 1st found by Prof Mike Brown, from California Institute of Technology, back in 2003, 73 years after the 9th planet, Pluto, been identified.. dgn menggunakan Teleskop Samuel Oschin di Makmal Cerap Palomar, San Diego… dgn wujudnya the 10th planet, also known as UB313, nampaknya astronomers or scientists have to redraw back astronomer’s map.. but then, since 1999, there a few new planets identified, where their compositions are much alike as Pluto..even the size of the UB313 is identical with Pluto. Also known as XENA (remember Xena, the Warrior Princess), this planet was announced to have its own moon named Gabrielle in 2005, terletak di Lingkaran Kuiper, and afar from Neptune…

Quoted from Berita Harian, “ Walau apa pun alasan utk tidak menerima pengwujudan planet ke-1 dibangkitkan bagi menafikan penemuan Prof Brown itu, namun bagi org Islam, ayat ke-4 dlm Surah Yusuf menjadi petanda terbaik bahawa Pencipta ala mini yg menurunkan al-Quran ada membayangkan kewujudan 11 planet. Hanya detik dan waktu saja yg akan membuktikan kebenaran al-Quran mengenai kewujudan 11 planet dlm sistem solar jika teleskop lebih berkuasa digunakan dan Barat dgn ikhlas mengakui hakikat kewujudan planet ke-10”…..”Ulama berbeza pendapat dgn perkataan kaukab atau kawakib yg digunakan dlm ayat itu yg merujuk kpd pengetian bintang, sedangkan dlm byk lagi al-Quran, bintang dirujuk dgn menggunakan istilah najm atau nujum.. Ada ulama terkemudian menyatakan, kaukab yg dirujuk dlm ayat itu bermaksud planet spt yg ditulis oleh Dr Maurice Bucale dlm bukunya, THE BIBLE, THE QURAN AND SCIENCE”…Artists concept of the view from the planet with its moon in the background, looking back towards the distant sun.
Credit: Robert Hurt (IPAC)

p/s: see… gue juga mengambil tahu hal ehwal yg berlaku di sekeliling gue… bukan hanya setakat hiburan.. once in while.. mmg best kalau boleh bincangkan hal2 cam nih.. selain dr menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan, boleh gak membroadenkan tahap minda gue.. taklah cam ‘dumb blonde’ .. ermm gue blonde ker?? Heee…


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