yup!!! those 2 lines had managed to turn my life upside down.. in a good way of course!! the most adventurous journey of my life.. when was this?.. ermm.. about 1 year n 3 months ago.. dat fast??!! heee... sharp-shooter or sniper, they called it.. hee.. THANK YOU, ALLAH, for giving me ur blessing.. well, actually mmg dlm hati ada niat to get pregnant right away after married, tp taknak lah bgtau kt org lain kan.. kang nampak gelojoh sgt kang.. hee.. but its tru.. in my previous entry, i've said that de ideal age for me to get married is at 24, after uni.. just like my mom n older sis.. so dat by de time i'm 35 yrs old, i tutup kilang.. hee.. women have 'shelf-life', u know.. tp takperlah.. 4 years delayed.. janji kawen jugak kan.. alhamdulillah.. hee.. dah 2 lines pun.. alhamdulillah lagi.. hee..
Doa Untuk Mendapat Cahayamata

" Wahai Tuhanku! Janganlah Engkau biarkan daku bersendirian (tanpa meninggalkan zuriat) dan Engkau adalah waris yang paling baik" (Surah Al-Anbiyaa', Ayat 89).
Penjelasan: Doa tersebut adalah doa Nabi Zakaria a.s yang amat ingin memiliki anak. Lalu Allah memperkenankan doa Nabi Zakaria dengan lahirnya seorang anak, Nabi Yahya as.
kuddos to anim, saying dat de month b4 my wedding will be my last period as 'anak dara'.. sounds yuckky, isn't it.. heee.. mmg masin mulut anim!!! tp takper, pay-back time pun dh kunjung tiba.. she's also pregnant now... n ALSO bunting pelamin!!! haaa..
kuddos to may, too... coz she's my Buk Penasihat.. hee.. she's the first among my closest frens (since primary school) yang dah kawen n ada anak.. lecturing and advising me on health n food n 'other stuff' (heeee..lol).. esp during the critical month b4 my wedding.. siap tukang kira my cycle lagii.. (erkk.. patut ker i jot dis down??!!).. she also lah yang beriya asked me to get the kit, walaupun dat time I was only 1 week late.. hee.. owhh.. i can still remember dat day!! ha..

my first very own baby pic!!!! ain't he cute!!! dlm perut lagi.. eh.. rahim lagi dah kiut.. inikan pulak sekarang!!! dis was taken during my 4th month.. see his feature??? his hands??? time ni mmglah still de gender unknown.. bt my instinct told me dat it's gonna be a boy... although my sister and labmates guessed dat it's a girl i'm carrying.. nevertheless, it's all God's fate.. asalkan my baby sihat walafiat n selamat dilahirkan di dunia.. yg paling happy kalau baby boy, oh coz lah my parents in-law, since all their cucu are girls.. n of coz jugaklah my PAPA ELLIE..ooppss.. hee.. dah lah he's de only son, kan.. so, harapan mmg at his shoulder lah...

dis was taken at TMN DESA WATERPARK.. family day my opis.. 1st time buat kt luar.. best!! tp apakan daya, tgh 'mak buyung'.. so xdptlah join sgt de activities n d excitement.. if i'm not mistaken dah 7 bulan dah.. see my tummy??!! heee.. at last nampak jugak ia.. haa.. very proud of my tummy.. mana taknya.. most pepol said dat my tummy kecik sgt, tak nampak pun pegnen.. amboi!! abistuh.. takkanlah gue dgn girang gemirang membesarkan badan menternak lemak saja2.. hisssssshhh.. ada org even tot dat i have given birth.. sbb at dis time still pakai baju kurung time anak dara(heee.. jgn marah...lol).. sabar jerlah.. well, take it as a compliment jerlah.. heee.. n STILL lagi huuuu haaaa huuu haaa ke sana ke sini bagaikan kanak2 riang.. hee.. mana taknyer!!.. well, cannot blame me for still being ribena berries... young at heart kan!!! haaa..

walaupun tak elok sebenarnya fastfood nih esp time2 pregnant... tp benda jugaklah yg paling sedap... lagi2 at dis stage.. food n me are BFF!! tak terkecuali PAPA ELLIE, of coz... see how 'happy' and 'healthy' he is.. heeee... pastuh.. kalau dah ngidam tp tak makan.. kang meliur pulak my beastie boo.. camana???!! so.. sebagai seorg mama yg begitu prihatin.. kenalah akur.. haa... ya rite!!!

dan sekali lagi akur akan kehendak my baby boo!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaa... & jugak meraikan anim yang bakal bernikah.. time2 aku sarat nak beranak time tuh jugaklah dia nak nikah!!! dengki tol lah!! haaa... at our favorite 'pantry'.. haaa... CHILLIES!! kalau2 melantak.. mmg dis 2 are my crime partners!!! heee... owwhhh.. really mis those days..skang nak mencium asap ekzos Ms Suraya pun susah!!! dh nearly 6 mths tak jumpa... gal, where are u????

who are they?.. PAPA ELLIE's sister n nieces.. bday party sufea.. 1 year old... owwhhh.. food again!! i like!!! time nih mmg melantak sakan.. esp sate kajang!!! mana tak nya.. 4 hari lagi nak serah diri kat hospital.. hee.. due to high BP.. my last trimester mmg bercelaru sikit.. stresseeeeddd.... so, apalagik.. ambik peluang lah kan.. lepas nih kan kena pantang makan.. heeee...

dis is me.. reporting to wad bersalin Hospital **###....... THREE HOURS after balik dr de bday party!!! haaaaaaa.... nasib baik semua food dah dilantakkan!!! haaa.. tak kempunan lah my baby!! heee...
instinct kot.. reached home.. terus naik bilik, to sleep.. bt a very restless sleep.. coz my mind asyik thinking of labor.. 1am.. rasa nak weewee.. so pglah toilet... then, baru nak baring balik.. tetiba i heard like a "tug" sound.. tak taulah mana dtgnya dat sound.. buat dunno jerlah.. rasa nak weewee lagi.. sampai jer kt pintu toilet... "whooossshh".. terus kejutkan PAPA ELLIE.. hee.. of cozlah he gabra.. asked him to call MOM.. MOM, dh berapa kali bersalin.. n dah ada 8 cucu... terus called my sis, yg kt KCH... asking for advise!!! haaaaaaaaaa... paniklah tu!! haaa.. since semua org dh panik.. so terpaksalah gue berlagak macho.. n calmly tukar baju.. buat apa2 yg patut.. w/pun dlm hati mmg clueless.. otak blank!!
reached hospital around 2 am.. registered.. masuk check-up room.. no contractions yet.. w/pun air dh banyak kuar.. so, lepak sana.. to monitor for any contractions as well baby's heartbeat.. still don't have... baru 1.5cm opened.. 4am, warded.. semua org tgh tdo... dpt bilik for four.. still xda perasaan n mind blank.. well, tipulah kalau mcm tuh kan.. beribu2 lemon kt kepala, hati, jantung time tuh!!! wat if.. wat if... owhhhh!!! i'm going to be a momma!!!!!! any time now!!! baru jer nak lelap, 5am.... the show begins.. contraction 10 mins apart... GOD!!! dat's de only thing I could think of.. yg keliling semua still tdo dgn nyenyaknyer... aik!! diorg ni tak rasa ker nak bersalin.. (at dat time, i tot semua at room like me.. anytime...).. nasib my mom dah pesan for me to recite surah2 to ease d pain as well to take my mind off it.. owhh.. cannot do!! tak boleh baring.. kena duduk jugak.. owhh.. nak ke toilet pulak... semua serba tak kena.. baring mmg totally cannot.. ok.. jln2 around d room.. so dat senang jln nak bukak.. kalu org lain tak tau, genti tot dat i've gone mad.. org sedap tido, gue tawaf dlm bilik.. stop jap dpn pintu.. nak mintak simpati nurse.. hampeh!!
me: nurse, wat's going to happen next if I'm having contractions?
nurse: we'll check, then...
OMG.. dah nak bersalin ker??.. so dgn hati yg girang, went back to my bed... 5 mins.... 10 mins.. 20mins... owhh.. mana nurse nih!! 6.30am.. my roomies dh bangun.. naper diorg nih rileks jek??.. aku dh berkali2 ulang alik from katil to toilet.. lantai mmg dh basah dh.. 7.30am.. round check..
DR: when admitted?
me: dis morning..
DR: owh.. ur waterbag dah broke... if still no contractions today.. esok we induce ok??
me: (help..help.. di dlm hati.. kepala hotak nak induce esok!!).. erkk.. DR.. i'm having my contractions now.. (help..help..)
DR: ok, then.. we'll check later, n see wat happens...
erkk... haloooo.. bukan ker kalau contraction 5 mins apart.. dh mcm tanda2 nak bersalin?? naper diorg nih!!! dhlah bekfes bg kuewtiow goreng pedas!!! mcm mna nak makan nih?? now i know why my roomies so macho!!! kakak sorg nih admitted sbb kencing manis.. baru 6 mths.. yg kt dpn katil, tunggu nak ceaser coz uri tak naik.. yg sorg lagi, nak tutup kilang... patutlah!!! nampaknya it's me alone!!!
10am.. PAPA ELLIE came.. of cozlah illegal.. visiting hours start at 11am.. barulah lega, at least ada jugak org to support me emotionally n physically.. dat whole morning, i just stood by de window.. or back n forth to ladies.. x dpt nk baring.. PAPA ELLIE helped by rubbing my back.. nasib i'm 80% done reading my sis's pregnancy book.. taulah wat to expect n how to handle it.. 11am.. lunch's served! still can't eat.. nasib sempat ambik 1 tupperware kurma pg td.. adalah jugak buat alas perut.. 11.15am.. nurse came.... check-up time!!! ermmm.. i won't jot here de dialogues or wat happened during check-up.. lu pikirlah sendiri!! hee.. i'll tell u personally.. most importantly... dh bukak 5cm!! dh boleh dihantar ke labor room... yeayyyy!! but.. oh noi!!!!
12.30pm.. wheeled to labor room... berdebar2... jantung ku berdebar... hopefully PAPA ELLIE pun dah ready mentally.. he's afraid of blood, u see.. n if he survived that very moment.... mmg I LOVE U lah, PAPA ELLIE.. haa.. his strength is my strength.. if he can't get thru it, then sapa nak support me throughout labor, kan? and... my battle begins... i won't elaborate on it.. but all i can comment...... DE MOMENT WAS MAGIC!! n UNBELIEVABLE..... thank you, ALLAH!!!
2pm.. World, meet MOHAMED DANISY SAFIY!!!!


My Lord, grant me a righteous (son).'
Wahai Tuhanku! Kurniakanlah kepadaku anak yang terhitung dari orang-orang yang soleh!

::my sunshine::
p/s: thanks anim for de air zamzam.. apalah anim nih, tak tunggu pun danisy naik wad.. sedangkan dah ada kt spital dah pun... muaaxxxx