Thursday, August 21, 2008


Wedding marathon of a bunch of friends whom, once upon a time ago, this bunch do not have a single clue of how or when or even be near to de word MARRIAGE.. semua bagai melihat ulat di tepi tong sampah when people asked about it.. well, as the years passed by.... wallaaaahhhhhhh...

k. nab, wan, ipin, anim, kewrol, fizah, dut & mad.. cycling at Taman Botani, Putrajaya.. time ni mmg best, coz everyone's excited to show each other their ke'terror'an in cycling.. lama siut (erk.. ada lagi ker dat word, nowadays??) tak cycling.. mastermind saper lagik, kalau tak Cik Apam.. sblm pukul 8 kitaorg dh bertolak dr rumah.. alih2 pukul 10am baru bukak... so, sambil menunggu tuh, kitaorg konon2 lah jogging dat area..

dut, me, anim, zetty & fizah.. Treasure Hunt 2006.. dulu kitaorg nih mmg kaki TH.. hmm.. skang nih tak taulah.. coz memasing dah memboyot & beranak-pinak.. hee..

the first one to break de 'bujang' chain.. K. Nab & Bani.. now, expecting her 2nd child..

the second one to follow suit.. Kewrol & Shiera.. dah ada daughter..2nd one?? hmmmm....

the third one... Dut & Atuk.. pun dah ada baby boy.. comel!!

the fourth person.. tadaaaaa!! me,of coz!! hee.. pun dah ada baby boy!! hee.. me & dut's sons lebih kurang jer umur.. just 3 weeks apart.. nama pun lebih kurang... hee..

Mad & Wan: ni kira de express couple.. dah sampai seru lah tu... hee..

Fizah & Wan: the only couple yang kawen among us.. hee.. dah jodoh kan.. tak lari ke mana.. pusing2.. tup2.. org dekat jugak.. tgh jadi mak buyung sekang nih.. hee..

Ipin & Manal: our 'lil' bro.. wedding yg ditunggu2 oleh semua org.. esp his family.. yeler.. anak bongsu lah katakan..

Anim & Zey.. akhirnya, kawen jugak korang ek.. hee.. dis couple's tale , very interesting.. bak kata org dolu2.. ikan di laut.. asam di darat.. dalam periuk.. bertemu juga.. their wedding betul2 made me terharu.. owhh.. mana taknya.. gue nih kira, the LOVE cupid, whom had menyatukan diorang.. hee.. i x know why, but from de 1st time they got to know each other.. eventho only secara maya.. i've got de feeling dat they're fated for each other.. haaaahh.. kan betul!!! korang nih mmg patut bayar royalti kt gue!!! now, anim pun gang ngan k. nab n fizah.. memboyot.. hee..

our youngest sister.. Zetty & Hefni.. the last one from the chain.. got married a week ago.. their tale pun quite interesting jugak.. the courting n all sort of happening in front of us.. very de romantic one.. hee..

NOW.. Everyone can fly... seh!.. hee.. now everyone has their own life n family.. and some of us has gone elsewhere to pursue their dream either in career or studywise..but we still are close as before.. ni kan zaman IT.. dunia dah berubah.. takder lagi main snail-mail.. telecommunication dah semakin canggih..
to my beloved friends:
semoga apa yang kita kecapi hari ini akan berkekalan rukun damai buat selama-lamanya..


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