Monday, September 25, 2006

the one about KEK LAPIS, ANYONE??

still remember my last posting, bout me wanna do kek lapis's business.. well, here it is.. SARAWAK-MADE KEK LAPIS!!! maybe to some of u, these cakes are cekik darah.. but please bear in mind, that these cakes are made with butter.. not just any ordinary butter, but.. GOLDEN CHURNED BUTTER.. n NOT with MARGERINE, ok!! hee.. emo kejap.. hmm.. kalau tak caya, try compare my price with others.. Mind the pics, coz those were taken a few years back, n with NOT-DIGITAL camera, ok.. i've tried all de cakes, for years now.. and i gerenti u, dat these cakes are Oooo Laaa Laaa.. mmg ada UMmmphhh..!!


tumpasi ai ye... hee.. dis cake was1st made during KKHH tgh BOOM kt mesia, nih.. menunjukkan kek lapis pun mengikuti perkembangan semasa tau.. n also based on their names, u can guess, how old the recipe was..

my taste bud: moist, lemak & berperisa jem

sudah semestinya dis kek named after our national car, Kelisa, launched... tp tak taulah tang mana nyer yg cam keta kelisa.. or ikan kelisa.. hee...
my taste bud: moist, lemak & berperisa jem


de actual colors of this cake are: white, red, green, yellow and chocolate.. mmg ooo laaa laaa...

my taste bud: moist & lemak


dis is de most oldschool cake among all de cakes, here.. kalau tak silap, among de 1st few kek lapis bercorak.. kira pioneer lah.. can still remember, masa dolu2, tiap kali raya, my mom genti akan order dis cake, coz my abg's favorite.. up till now, kira nih dah jadi kek lapis wajib at my house, kt kuchinglah..

my taste bud: sedaaaaaaapppp!!! very moist & lemak

kalau tak silap, dis cake starts in 2003.. actual colors: yellow, green & red.. if u can see it clearly, the corak cam alternate between each color.. well, wat to do.. mtu pencahayaan kureng.. hee.. and kelihatan gak corak at de permukaan of de cake.. indicating how de process of this cake goes..
my taste bud: moist & lemak


dis is one of my favorite, too.. not due to its name, of coz!!! actual color: yellow, green and chocolate.. the design of de cake actually mcm wave, tau...

my taste bud: moist, lemak & berkacang

*Harga kek tidak termasuk harga courier. Kos courier akan dicajkan selepas penerimaan kek lapis tersebut.

** saiz kek lapis: 8'X8'

*** tempahan dibuka sehingga 6 Oktober 2006.


p/s: more cakes to come.. such as my ol'time favorite cheesecake.. sedap!! kalau tak caya, tanya ngan mirose!! hee...



Dari Abu Hurairah r.a., katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Apabila masuk
bulan Ramadhan, terbukalah pintu-pintu rahmat dan tertutuplah pintu-pintu
neraka serta terbelenggulah syaitan-syaitan (daripada merasuk mangsanya)".
(Riwayat Muslim)
Ulasan Hadith:
1. Menurut huraian ulama' rahimahumullah., terbukanya pintu-pintu
syurga dan tertutupnya pintu-pintu neraka, serta terbelenggunya
syaitan-syaitan di sepanjang bulan Ramadhan, membawa maksud yang zahir
untuk menghormati bulan yang mulia itu.
2. Ia juga sebagai satu gambaran bahawa orang-orang yang berjaya
merebut peluang mengisi bulan Ramadhan dengan berbagai jenis ibadat yang
wajib dan yang sunat dan berjaya pula mencegah dirinya daripada melakukan
perkara-perkara yang dilarang, maka amalnya yang baik itu akan membawanya
masuk ke syurga dan amalnya itulah juga yang menyelamatkannya dari hasutan
syaitan dan dari azab neraka.


Do'a Malaikat Jibril Menjelang Ramadhan " "Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:

* Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada); * Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri; * Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya. Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapat kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah dan para sahabat, dan dilakukan pada hari Jum'at.

Akhir sekali selamat menyambut bulan Ramadan yang mulia ini dan teringat kata2 semasa penutup forum perdana baru2 ni. Seandaianya kamu tidak berusaha untuk menempah syurga di akhirat, maka itu tandanya kamu menempah neraka. Sesungguh nya tidak ada jalan mudah untuk mencapai kejayaan. Semuanya memerlukan kesungguhan, ketekunan dan komitmen dalam apa jua yang kita lakukan dan yang kita rancangkan untuk masa depan.
Di kesempatan ini juga, gue ingin memohon maaf jika selama ini gue memiliki kesalahan, baik yang tidak di sengaja mahupun yang di sengaja, semoga kita dapat menjalani semuanya dengan khusyuk. Gue juga ingin dihalalkan segalan yang termakan & yg terminum, semoga segala amalan kita diterima ALLAH SWT.
Sampai jumpa lagi doa yang tak pernah putus semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa kita dan senantiasa memandang kita dalam Rahmat dan Kasih sayangnya. Amin.
Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

the one about NO UPDATES..

ya..ya.. i know.. i've neglected u, laper.. but wat can i do.. been bz for de last couple of days/weeks.. daytime?? laa.. dah namanya kerja kan.. n now i have papers to be submitted for Nov's conferance.. aiyooo... pening, ooo.. nitetime?? blame BUBU, coz she's been stealing de time which i shud be doing my entries, for u.. heee.. very funny.. blame it to de cat.. hee.. ok.. let me summarized wat i've been doing dis past few days..
after my long vacation (also working as i'm carrying my company's name for 9 days).. i was down with high fever n cough.. while in kch, ok jer.. maybe too much MATA KUCING n DURIANs, kot.. but.. owwhhh.. how can i resist those??!! de temptation're TOO much!! i can't bear living de minute without having a taste of those fruits!! a taste?? ya rite... heee.. as i sopanly sat in my seat, in de flite.. numbness mula menyelubungi diri gue.. i felt very cold, and its not 1/2 hour yet, in de flite.. along de journey.. YA TUHAN.. cant sleep.. cant eat.. tossed & turning, was wat i did.. headache mula menyerang.. rasa cam nak kluar from de flite pun ada gak.. tp.. mmg bunuh dirilah kalau kluar kan.. hee.. but, wat if i survived??.. hmm.. come to think of.. then i'll be in de front page of every papers in M'sia.. n if i'm lucky enuff.. de whole wide world.. hmm.. isnt dat great??!! muhahahak.. while waiting for Boy, my body temp. started to normalized with surrounding.. headache!! as a result... HIGH FEVER!!! sampai umah.. trus headed to my katil.. trus BERKUBANG under my comforter!! FYI, i managed to sneaked MAS's blanket in my tote.. muhahak.. nasib my dear brother ada.. so, he did his brotherly thing.. give me ubat.. give me water.. unpacked some of my stuff.. yalah.. coz got food for him, bah.. hee..
sunday, still demam.. hmm.. before my balik kpg, i demam.. after i balik kpg.. i demam.. must be viral.. sorrylah anim & shafiq.. bukan ku pinta... sakit begini... uhuk..uhuk.. tp, best jugak, demam.. why?? Boy made me breakfast, lunch & dinner.. hee.. bila lagi... sejak ditinggal for 2 weeks, alone.. dah terror dah BOY masak.. bagus.. if like this.. i shud be outstationed more.. errmm..
monday, Boy brought me to clinic.. yippiee.. got MC!! eehhh.. bummer!! manaleh cuti, have to kerja.. nanti makan gaji buta!! but then, have to listen wat DR said, kan.. "rest for de day.. makan ubat.." takkan nak lawan ckp DR kan.. hee.. sempatlah gak menonton Bawang Merah Bawang Putih, for de last time.. yeler.. time keja manaleh nonton kan.. hee..
tuesday, back to work!! and work it is.. owhh.. Boy went back, dat day.. ngada betullah.. time gue balik.. dier tak nak balik sama.. nie, baru nak balik.. 2 minggu plak tuh.. dahlah Bubu demam.. owhh.. kesian Bubu.. perut kembung semacam jer..
wednesday, Bubu demam teruk.. was very upset just by looking at her.. takut giler time tuh.. nak bg panadol, kang tak pasal2 jd kes lain.. nak bawak ke vet, de nearest, dah tutup.. bought her cat food n litter sand.. all this while she nenen botol kan.. n membuang pun atas kain2 buruk.. so, nih nak toilet-trained lah konon.. nenen tak nak.. makan apatah lagi.. membuang pun tak.. lemah semcm jer.. takutnya.. coz i've been in this situation before, with JOJO.. her sister.. n she didn't make it.. oh noi!!! selsema lagi satu hal!! BTW, since Boy 'left' us.. me & BUBU tido dpn tv.. till now.. easy for her to have her nite snack or membuang.. since she sleeps with me, kan.. kalau kt bilik, she nak climb down from katil lagi, satu hal.. got news dat my submission for de Nov's conference was rejected by DB.. owhh.. silly me.. lupa plak nak letak poster presenter at de column Taraf Penyertaan.. mananya tak kena, have to re-submit my registration form to HOU.. have to start reading journals n papers as de dateline for submitting abstract, 15/9.. oh noi!!
thursday, Bubu looks better.. but she still lemah.. i understand how she felt.. yeler, coz just sembuh from my fever, gak kan.. K Ina said maybe Bubu got her demam from me... hmm.. yeker??.. but she dah nak rasa2 her food.. i totally stopped her from nenen.. maybe dats de reason her stomach kembung & she x membuang..
friday, went back to teman Bubu, during lunch hour.. she's better.. owwhh.. u shud have seen de way she makan.. mmg cam org kebulur!! then, she membuang... makan lagi.. membuang lagi... started to run here & there.. pastu gigit gue tak tentu pasal.. hmmm.. dah sembuhlah tuh.. perut dah lega kot.. yeler, membuang kan kira membuang unwanted things n haba from badan, kan.. barulah gue sempat unpacked my stuffs.. kemas bilik a lil bit..
saturday, supposed to go AE'6 with the rest of de World Gang.. but sister dearie called de nite before, wanting to meet me & HIM.. nak tengok gambar n stuff.. my aunt pun bising sbb tak menjenguk her after balik from kuching.. alaaa.. ckp jerlah nak tau all de juicy gossips dat've been around kuching... tau sangat.. hee... so, family gathering it is.. MOM sempat gak called, asking where i was, coz she saw PAJI on tv!!!! sabar jer lah.. tulah, masa i was in cloud 9 with PAJI... tak nak plak melayan... ohhh.. donia!! oh yesss.. i've started de FRIENDS marathon again.. heee.. finished season 5.. as well as doing my DESPERATE H/WIVES chores..
sunday, back & forth with FRIENDS season 6 & desperate h/wives chores.. after how many months, i've finally went out with Su.. n made me realised, how i really missed going/hanging out with her.. after she left our company, it seems dat, our friendship, too, has left us.. no sms, no talking on de phone, no email, no lepaking, nothing watsoever.. but de best part was, dat nite.. it seems like de gap wasn't there, at all.. de bits & pieces just fall back to its place.. i make new fren, Moggy.. Su's fren actually.. he's nice.. n i think, i'll be seeing him again.. *wink* with Su of coz.. heee..
monday, emailed my boss my abstract.. but still x get her reply on dat.. get to model our service lab's equipments.. haaaa... penat jugak jd model nih.. muhahhak.. pose ala gamba pengantin pun ada gak.. kui..kui..kui.. kerol punya kerja lah tuh.. hee.. flipped thru a couple of IMPIANA & ANJUNG SERI.. feel like buying stuff n re-decorate my interior lah.. need to buy pot plants as well.. feel like i'm lacking of oxigen.. gemok sgt dah, kot??.. had dinner with de World Gang last nite.. best!! lama tak bergossip pasal donia2 artis nih.. hee.. biasalah, dah MAMAGLAMS ada kan.. banyaklah cerita blakang tabir, sambil dibantu oleh Mr Presindente.. hee.. BODYGAD APAM yg umahnyer tak disamak lagi ngn APAM, sonoklah mendengar segala update.. heee.. MAMAT YG PASAN TERROR MENYELAM tak plak nampak batang hidung nyer... keta takleh stat katanya.. errmmm.. yeker?? tp, loe kan ada moto.. apa2lah.. hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih.. got lots of goodies from Bro Jase.. tanx!! but de place we went, boleh tahanlah.. can masuk my list lah.. its not de place itself yg best sbnrnya.. cafe opposite de place yg menarik hati & minat gue.. nasib gue gadis melayu terakhir.. kalau tak, nak ajer gue naik stage.. nyanyi seiring & sejalan.. muhahahak... sempat gak 'membantu' Bro Jase, cleared his house.. maklomlah.. he baru balik from vacation, kan.. hee.. tanx, again.. *wink* later2, i come help again, ok.. hee..
tuesday aka today, got Scientific Meeting with our DG.. to be honest, i actually enjoyed today's meeting.. DG or Datuk B, seems 'normal' & not uptight like he usually does.. went to MINES during lunch break with anim.. owwwhh.. lots of thing nak kena beli before raya.. owwhh!!
so, how was my summary?? boleh tahan, aaa?? hee... rite now, tgh thinking nak wat bisnes kuih lapis or not for raya.. hmm.. ghaser2 nyer ada ker org nak beli, aaa?? hmmm.. we wait & see lah.. hee.. chio!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


dear lapper... this is all i could update.. enjoy de pics, ok.. all those pics were taken from 24/8 till 30/8.. still lots nak di grab from Linda.. later i update, ok.. of coz with my entry aka diary... chio!!

the one about BIARLAH RAHSIA...... NOT!!!

August.. wat is so special about August?? I bet most Msian, when asked wats so special bout August, surely they answered… “SITI NURHALIZA’s wedding!!”.. who is she?? Kalau ada yg masih tak kenal who she is.. mmg sah bukan manusia lah tuh.. dr budak umur 2 tahun… hinggalah Suria (watak cita Indonesia Hikmah) asik tersebut2 nama insan yg bernama Mak ET ini.. tho sejak lahir lagi, bila tiba jer Ogos.. kompom akan ingat Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia, yg disambut setiap 31st August.. tp sejak 2 menjak nih.. yg lebih diutamakan esp di media massa.. kalau bukan pasal kawen CT… pasal kawen CT.. hee.. dat’s not typing error.. aaa… mmg betul wat.. even sampai tersiar lagi, kalau tak silap berbunyi “ satu lagi detik bersejarah di Malaysia…..”.. kekadang cam rasa melampau lah plakkan.. sbb kalau nak dilihat dlm dunia nih.. masa skang.. byk lagi perkara penting yg berlaku.. umpamanya peperangan yg sedang berlaku di Palestin.. akan tetapi, berita lain plak yg jd tajuk utama.. ermm.. silap hari bulan, ada plak soklan berdasarkan majlis Mak ET nih yg kluar peksa UPSR , PMR or SPM.. kalau takpun peksa PTD.. ntahlah.. tp apa2 pun.. majlis2 seumpama pun dah berlangsung kan… gue doakan semoga perkahwinan Datin Siti Nurhaliza & Datuk Khalid akan berkekalan dgn diiringi kebahagian hingga ke akhir hayat.. Amin… dan segala2 cerita2 luar yg tak menyumbang ke arah rumahtangga Mak ET, silalah delete, ek..

Owwhh..owwhhh.. dah lari dr topic ghupanya gue.. hee.. heee… tgh nak mengumpul segala kekuatan nih.. heee.. seganlah plak nak bgtau… heeee…. Well, here goes… dikesempatan ini, gue sungguh berbesar hati utk berkongsi kepada semua dat…. on 19th August 2006, I was disunting & dipinang… eh chewah.. malunyer… ok..ok… be serious, Chot… heee… ok.. on dat day, I’ve finally took a step further in ‘renovating’ my life.. ONE very BIG step.. eventho it’s just a step, but still… it gave me a new big responsibility.. lots of alteration got to be done, esp.. to my social life.. but again, like my mom said, “pandai-pandai lah..” ermmm.. de majlis went well.. better than I’ve expected.. sepatutnya, just a small family gathering.. sekali.. it turns out.. cam kenduri akad nikah lah plak.. dahlah buat malam, after Isya’.. heee.. nasib tok kadi takder… as well as my fiancée lah.. eh chewah.. he was ‘locked’ away at his grandma’s house.. not until everyone finished dinner, baru my mom bg green-lite, dat he can come to makan.. my feeling dat time?? Happy, of coz.. tp mmg panic n nervous giler!!! I’m not dat good being in de centre of attention.. feel free to see me mengelabah esp, time presentation.. hee.. wat I felt now?? Hmm.. still can’t believed dat I’m engaged.. engaged to HIM, whom I’ve know since Form 4 & who’ve been partly in my life for 9 years.. mustahillah kan, kalau takder ups & downs.. banyak obstacles we went thru.. esp during de last 4 years in de long-distance-relationship.. dat time mmg menguji betul2.. either by me or by him.. all I can say is dat, I really hope dat everything goes well between us.. dipanjangkan jodoh hingga ke jinjang pelamin.. seterusnya, like CT.. berkekalan n bahagia.. till death do us part.. AMIN..

Monday, September 04, 2006

the one about STEVE IRWIN

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dead - 4 September 2006

BREAKING NEWS: 4.40pmAustralian television personality and environmentalist Steve Irwin has died in a marine accident in north Queensland, Australian state government sources say.
According to Australian Associated Press the 44-year-old is believed to have been killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest.
He was filming an underwater documentary off Port Douglas when the accident occurred says AAP.
Mr Irwin's body was being flown to Cairns.
The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australian emergency officials could not immediately confirm the reports.
A spokesman for Emergency Management Queensland Helicopter Rescue in Cairns would not confirm the identity of the dead man, stating that next of kin had not been informed.
His American-born wife Terri was reported to be trekking in Tasmania at the time of the incident.

baru jer dis morning.. saw his documentary kt tv.. yeler, seawal 7.30am, went to de clinic.. tak larat menanggung kedemamam & sakit tekak.. so, dptlah MC.. hee.. genti boss mengata gue nih.. hee.. dahlah cuti lama... 2 minggu tuh!!! 1/2 bulan... pastu balik sini, MC plak.. hee.. apa nak buat, bosss.. bikan ku pinta.. hee.. pastu, g bekpes jap.. sbb nak makan ubat kan.. . masa nak tunggu nasi lemak gue sampai (padahal sakit tekak.. boleh plak mkn nasi lemak... apa nak buat.. kang kempunan telur tembakul kang...).. tertengok channer Discovery kt ASTRO.. terdetiklah dlm hati.. dulu2 bukan men lagi org ngata yg mamay STEVE nih dah mati... kena baham boya sendirilah.. kena telan ngan ulor sawa belaan dierlah... tp panjang gak umur dier.. sbb bolah disahkan dgn kehadiran dier di zoo dier di ostelia tuh... hee.. kawan gue pun ada bergambo ngan dier last year.. so mmg kompom iduplah... tetiba... baru sat tadi... dgr kat radio.. yg STEVE IRWIN nih mmg disahkan meninggal dunia!!! aneh bin ajaib kan?? terkejut ikan lumba2 gue masa tuh.. yeler.. baru jer sebut terpikir akan kisan 'meninggal' beliau... dah ajal.. tp.. one thing for sure.. gue mmg salute ngan beliau... hopefully there'll be more STEVE IRWIN yg akan lahir...