the one about ME N MY BORING FRIDAY
today is Friday, the 14th.. hmm.. tringat movie FRIDAY, THE 13TH.. a movie dat keeps my heart pumping and adrenaline rushing.. sweating like hell..(hahaha.. takderlah sweating sgt, since sweating n me is not a synonyme).. but x know why, as i grew older, scary movies really gave heart attacks.. can u believe dat till now, i have not finished watching JU-ON, the RING, the PHONE and apa2 yg berkaitan.. but i'm proud of myself for watching DARK WATER all the way.. haha.. itupun sbb kt wayang.. rugilah kalau tak nengok till end kan.. hahaha tetiba tringat ngan this one HAMBA ALLAH.. hahahaha... disebabkan terlalu panic as she was reentering the cinema and also that time mmg part full of suspence, this HAMBA ALLAH jatuh tergolek dok kat tangga dlm cinema tu...heeheee.. mmg satu cinema dgr 'kejatuhan' HAMBA ALLAH nih.. and thanx to her, my adrenaline dropped to normal.. so bolehlah berlagak macho when exiting the hall..
hmm.. as i was browsing thru KODOK's blog, a very interesting blog, i mean de BOMB.. trust me.. hee.. ternampaklah this thing, GET UR PORN STAR NAME.. haha.. best gak.. n i did attached it at the far side of my blog.. cubalah kalau berani.. hehehe... n this thing below pun, best gak.. sajer jer utk melalui liku2 hidup di hari JUMAAT ini.. heee...heee.. sekian..
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