Friday, August 27, 2004

the one about MOM

My beloved MOM n her grandkids..

hiyeeee... i'm back... hik... sorry for the long waiting... tengah syok nih sebenarnya.. know why? coz my MOM n MAK ANJANG are here.. n also ZAHID won the AF2... acooooooonyaa!!!! tau tak mcm mana ketagihan AF nih bermula?.. tanx to my MOM.. hik.. she introduced me to the AF2, n gave me the addiction.. masa AF1 dulu, so-so lah.. tp sempat gak menyelit gi tgk konsert ke-6, kalau x silap.. yg NANA ker, kena vote kluar.. abis2 opis jer terus g UPM, around 2pm.. n wat a long queue.. but we're in luck.. among 200 pepol yg dpt tiket.. n still waited with devotion till 7.30pm, sbb dah bleh masuk dewan... but have to stand, at the corner plak tuh.. ok gak, coz ngan bebudak UPM kan.. so havoc lah ckit our corner...

hmmm.. so back to my MOM nyer pengaruh, well.. tau2lah org baru nak start hidup kan.. so, xderlah nak meriah sgt ngan ASTRO.. so, every weekends, i'll go to my SIS's place at selayang, to watch d AF2 concerts.. disebabkan my house 'incomplete', walaupun dah kira 4 weeks my mom kt cni, she never sleeps at my house.. takut terlepas diari 'anak2' dier... sobb... saper tak sedih!! startlah merajuk.. tp mcm tak jln sangat.. so last2 pasang gak ASTRO kat umah... n since my SIS has to go to melaka for PTK, left my MOM no choice, but to berkampung at my place.. hihihihi... then my MAK ANJANG pun join sekali, coz terpengaruh ngan citer2 pasar mlm my MOM.. hmm.. those 2, kalau bab2 menyopping nih, serahkan kt diorg.. even i myself tak larat nak bawak kaki.. but sbg anak mithali kan.. syurga dibawah kaki IBU.. hik... my MOM n MAK ANJANG pro kat BOB.. rela habiskan kredit utk BOB than tepon anak2 dier.. kelakar tak?.. hik.. my house pun start full house, kira mini konsertlah.. and paling best masa final concert, everyone was so stunned with BOB sampai my MOM mmg tak berkata apa2.. n should have seen my MOM, time results kuar.. hik... mmuuuaaxxx.. really love u MOM!!!!!

me n mom di kaki tangga rumah Mahsuri..


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